So investiert der FiCAS Dynamic Crypto Exchange Traded Product: This product offers investors access to a diversified, discretionary managed and liquid crypto portfolio. The crypto portfolio consists of a selection of all cryptocurrency assets which are permitted underlyings according to the rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange and CHF, EUR, and USD. The crypto security is backed and collateralized by underlying assets of the product. Price data from Vinter (Invierno AB), an independent global market data provider on cryptocurrencies, is used to calculate the price of the reference asset. Units are issued directly to Authorized Participants against surrender of the underlying assets. Authorized Participants are organizations that have the right to create or redeem shares in an ETP.Retail investors can buy and sell the securities exclusively on the secondary markets in conventional equity markets. They may also request redemption of the product against fiat currency (in CHF) from the issuer on the anniversary of the issuance program.